Falling Cities & Other Works
Dale Sattler >


Falling Cities

Shockwave generative art experiments visually exploring the build cycles in urban architecture from my local city Hamilton. Commercial urban architecture has a tendency towards recycled impermanence rather than restoration. The cyclical nature of urban renewal provides a formal orientation for these four compositions. Each composition uses shapes derived from on site drawings.





Animated drawings pulled from sketches made during, and after a short drift through Hamilton. The audio component of this piece is pulled from small camera movies made during the same drift. This piece uses Situationist practice for its drawing methodology.




Type Residual

Type Residual is a typographical investigation of the action of reading an essay. The linear nature of an essay is explored by creating a residue of each 'read' word. Over time this builds a fragmented composition where legibility is mapped as memory, mimicking the accumulation and partial loss of knowledge inherent in the act of reading. Project utilises imaging lingo and simple movement behaviours.




Dale Sattler graduated with a Mediarts degree in 2000, and completed an Honours degree in Design in 2001. He spent two years working on experimental interface technology and software design for a local company, and now teaches Digital and Graphic Design in the Mediarts program at Wintec, Hamilton. He designs and manages the experimental web space Eolian and is a partner in Hamilton design company disc3, and has contributed to various online collaborative projects.