Jasmine Lajunen >


ecalp sselecalp a si ti ecnis ,aipotu a ,lla retfa ,si rorrim ehT
ecaps lautriv ,laernu na ni ,ton ma I erehw ereht flesym ees I ,rorrim
ma I erehw ereht ,ereht revo ma I :ecafrus eht bnihed pu snepo taht
ni tsixe seob rorrim eht sa raf os ni aipotoreteh a osla si ti tuB…ton
I that noitisop eht no noitca-retnuoc fo tros a strexe ti erehw ,ytilaer
morf ecnesda ym revocsib I rorrim eht fo tniopbnats eht morF .ypucco
siht morf gnitratS .ereht revo flesym ees I ecnis ma I erehw ecalp eht
siht fo bnuorg eht morf .em brawot betcerib ,were ti sa ,si that ezag
brawot kcad emoc I .ssalg eht fo ebis rehto eht no si that ecaps lautriv
ot bna flesym brawot seye ym tcerib ot niaga niged I ;flesym
a sa snoitcnuf rorrim rhT .ma I erehw ereht flesym etutitsnocer
ecno ta ypucco I that ecalp siht sekam ti;tcepser siht ni aipotoreteh
(.”secaps rehto fO” .tluacuoF) “ .laernu yletulosda


Jasmine Lajunen is a recent graduate from Elam School of Fine Arts and a practicing artist based on the Coromandel Peninsula. She has been involved in exhibitions such as ‘Pick-Up’ at the Kiwi Tavern, and appeared in Ramp Magazine’s Failures and Disasters issue, 2005. Her interests lie in challenging the way we experience the world, how we see it and might continue to shape it. Her golf handicap is 75.