Annie Bradley >


Links and additional reading provided by the artist /

“Thus the living being essentially has duration; it has duration precisely because it is continuously elaborating what is new and precisely because there is no elaboration without searching, no searching without groping. Time is this very hesitation.”

Bergson, The Creative Mind: An Introduction to Metaphysics


 LED Pulsar module

The face of a single button L.E.D Pulsar module



Magazine featuring the first digital watch

The first digital watch, a Pulsar prototype was launched in 1972 was developed jointly by Hamilton Watch Company and Electro-Data.


The Pulsar is a time keeping star, to hear the sound pulsars make…..


Photos of Prototype Hamilton watches commissioned by Stanley Kubrick  used in "2001 A Space Odyssey"


Screen burned CRT example

An example of ‘burn in’ on a CRT(Cathode Ray Tube Screen). The phosphor compound on these screens was destroyed by a static image.

Thanks for assistance on his project to :

Sarah Hopkinson
Jamie Kydd
Luke Munn
David Rylands

  1. Bergson, Henri, The Creative Mind : An Introduction to Metaphysics,  Mabelle L. Andison(trans), (New York: Carol Publishing Group, 1992.) 93.