Various Artists
John Ward Knox, Nell May, Raised By Wolves, Holly Willson,
Sam Rountree Williams, Richard Maloy >


Unlike most contemporary art spaces, Window doesn't build a neutral context to house the things it presents. It neglects to provide a framing mechanism of its own, allowing instead for the institution to exist as a readymade frame. No more than a pane of glass (and sometimes not even that) separates Window's activities from their environment. However the relationship between host and hosted is not always a tension-free one, and nor should it be.

For this project, the dialogue that takes place between the work and it's institutional frame has been expanded and multiplied across a number of sites, foregrounding the importance of the relationship, but also the variety of forms it can take. Such variety is possible not only because a diverse bunch of artists are involved, but because the institutional body itself isn't homogenous. The University's attempts at self-representation are different in different areas of the campus, for after all, the institution cannot be reduced to land owned, student enrolled, or a management structure: it is more diffuse than that, its structure more open to manipulation. In this way, any shift in content, even a temporary one, can re-cast the frame.